The heart of Conscious Confidence is your Core Values and Attitude. Core Values are the unchanging principles which define who you are. Your Attitude is the first expression of your values.
The Conscious Confidence ProgramTM is based on the determined cultivation of a positive attitude through awareness. This creates a powerful alignment of Values and Attitude, which flows into the Four-Fold Energy of Conscious Confidence.
Harnessing the Four-Fold Energy of ‘Confidence’
Focusing: decisive, courageous, steady
Uniting: compassionate, loving, supportive
Simplifying: straight, true, pure
Energising: dynamic, creative, enthusiastic
Stepping Free and Harnessing Your Power!
Start living your ideal life by stepping free of The Fear Shadow.
F.E.A.R. is False Evidence Appearing Real
What encloses you within the fear barrier and stops you from living your ideal life?
Don’t let the fear barrier, missed opportunities and doubts stop you from living a fulfilling life with Conscious Confidence.
‘UNconscious’ Confidence
The barriers to effective and evolving leadership
Reckless confidence
Brash confidence
Baseless confidence
Tentative confidence
Making the Choice and Embracing Change!
When opportunity knocks, what do you want to do? What are you going to do? It’s time to choose. It’s time to wake up and get out of B.E.D. (blame, excuses and denial). Time to choose O.A.R. (ownership, accountability, responsibility).
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