External influences and environment

//External influences and environment

External influences and environment

We are bombarded with external influences more than one can imagine. We have tuned ourselves out and so are externalized in our level of consciousness and living day to day. And so with externalizing, a lot of people can become completely disconnected. There’s very little connection with what’s going on within and very little awareness. We form judgments about ourselves based on the external impressions that are coming in all the time. There is a pretty constant stream of negative energy (unless we become aware of it) that’s actually flowing through our system. It’s a constant daily moment-by-moment opportunity to be more self-aware, and therefore, not to be pulled around by these sort of streams of negative energy, of judgments and external impressions, thus getting more control of your life and of yourself.

Listen to the podcast here:

By |2018-10-04T18:37:31+00:00September 1st, 2018|Categories: Consciousness|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

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