What is the Art of Living?

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What is the Art of Living?

Through the Lens: The Art of Living with Conscious Confidence

 Explained in an interview on Conscious Confidence Radio – A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane: Through the Lens: The Art of Living with Conscious Confidence with Dr. Pat Baccili

Sarah: “I think we all have the benefit today of a lot of wisdom and personal development, meditation, Sanskrit, etc. But to actually apply it, to live it and do it is another matter. To do it authentically is another measure as well. When living unconsciously by default or in desperation, there’s a sense of lack of purpose, a lack of direction. We don’t actually stop, take stock, get connected with ourselves and decide what we want to do. You can have a meaningful, fulfilling life, even with the busy-ness that goes with caring for a family every day – it just takes a little bit of effort and certainly some knowledge.

Listen to the podcast here:

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